
Purpose: To describe the energy (E), sodium, saturated fat, sugar, and fibre intakes of a sample of children attending regulated childcare (RCC) in Nova Scotia.Methods: Nutrient analyses from 79 food records were compiled and grouped by intakes in and outside of RCC, age, sex, location of the RCC (urban or rural), and nutrient intake data. Descriptive statistics and independent t tests were conducted.Results: Mean E and macronutrients were within recommended ranges and, for days attending RCC, 45%E was consumed in RCC. Saturated fat intake was 12%E on average. Mean sodium intake exceeded or approached the tolerable upper limit for 3-year olds (1726mg/day) and 4-5-year olds (1770mg/day), respectively. Total sugar was 27%E intake and significantly more sugar was consumed outside RCC and by boys compared to girls. Mean daily dietary fibre intake was below recommended levels (15 g/day).Conclusions: On average dietary intakes of children exceeded recommendations for sodium, saturated fat, and sugar with higher intakes outside RCC. The foods provided by RCC have a positive influence on children's intakes, but given the pervasiveness of sugar and sodium in the food environment and the challenges of feeding children, support is needed for both RCC and families to encourage healthy eating behaviours for positive growth and development.

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