
Food forms one of the basic elements of our existence. The dissection of food at a gross, medium and subtle level reveals its impact that touches human existence at every possible level. The study of this ancient wisdom of India is best understood through upanishads or through living examples of this belief system. A deeper look at this topic revealed “We are what we eat”. The impact of food at a physical, intellectual, emotional and energy level shows its intertwined relationship that impacts the elements of leadership. Leadership is a concept that has been written and discussed about through theories, models, styles, definitions etc. From this vast literature of Leadership, a basic aspect that would be common across various perspectives has been taken. These elements form the part of the leadership ability impacted through an individual's physical, intellectual and emotional stature. It is these levels that are impacted by one’s intake through five senses and one of the senses relating to taste gets formed by one’s food intake. Thus, the paper introduces the two concepts Food and Leadership. The paper attempts to study the unique relationship of the two concepts through three references - ethnographic study of the gurukuls, case study of natural leadership on Tine Mena and the Chandogya upanishad view along with a summarized version of Bhagavad Gita. The views expressed in the paper are at an elementary stage and further studies can be made in order to study the data statistically. Towards the end a few opportunities for further research have been shared that can add value to this preliminary thought.

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