
Abstract This report describes the diet of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Walbaum) on the continental slope in the western Barents Sea (1992-1994) and on the shelf outside East Greenland (1991). The proportion of empty stomachs was high: for many predator length groups more than 80 %. There was a decreasing percentage of empty stomachs with increasing predator length. Cephalopods, and especially Gonatus fabricii, was the most important prey category for Greenland halibut at East Greenland in 1991 as well as in the Barents Sea in 1992 and 1994. In the Barents Sea in 1993, however, indeterminable fish remains and herring were the most important prey categories. Herring and blue whiting were the most important species of fish prey in the Barents Sea. It was impossible to identify the fish remains at East Greenland. The potential of stomach data in further ecological investigations and management of Greenland halibut is discussed.

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