
The objective of this research is to establish and design the strategies, methodologies, and resources necessary to develop skill in the context of competence of software development among university students, particularly in technology careers. Effectively promoting the level of competitiveness of the graduates and therefore of the organizations where they are integrated. Furthermore, fulfilling the increasing demand for professionals who possess these skills at a local or national level as well as to generate entrepreneurs who form the type of companies required for the development of the country (Mexico-Chile). The research focus will be mixed-longitudinal, the design will be an experimental true experiment type, with post-test design and control groups. There will be groups where the established strategies and methodologies will be applied and analyzed. The independent variables will have two levels: absence in the control group and presence in the experimental group. The application of this study will be carried out in the class of Programming Laboratory (career of LATIC of FCA-UACH), depending on the outcome obtained, the study could be replicated in other institutions. One of the main themes is to offer organizations a sustainable and innovative IT infrastructure offered by the digital skills of the programmer.

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