
In Neurospora crassa, the met-6+ gene encodes folylpoly-gamma-glutamate synthetase (FPGS) which catalyzes the formation of polyglutamate forms of folate. Methionine auxotrophy of the Neurospora crassa met-6 mutant is related to a lesion affecting this enzyme. Functional complementation of the mutant strain was achieved by introducing copies of the wild-type met-6+ gene into mutant spheroplasts. The complementing sequences were found to be contained on a 3.5 kb EcoRI-BamHI restriction fragment. The nucleotide sequence of the met-6+ gene was determined and an open reading frame of 1587 bp was identified, interrupted by two introns. This open reading frame contained several AUG codons but translation beginning from either of the first two would theoretically produce a protein of appropriate size and with similarity to five other FPGS proteins. Northern blot analyses of met-6+ transcripts revealed a 2.0 kb product. The position of the transcription stop site and an intron were identified by sequencing partial cDNA clones which were truncated at the 5' end. DNA sequence analysis of the met-6 mutant allele revealed a T to C transition which would result in replacement of a highly conserved serine with a proline.

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