
Aim: to follow up patients with pseudotumoral chronic pancreatitis (PCP) to assess their outcome and identify an optimal surveillance interval.
 Methods: data obtained prospectively were analyzed in a retrospective manner. Patients with clinical evidence of chronic pancreatitis (abdominal pain in the epigastrium, steatorrhea, and diabetes mellitus), endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) criteria > 4, and EUS-fine needle aspiration (FNA) were included. A pseudotumor was defined as a non-neoplastic space-occupying lesion, a cause of chronic pancreatitis that may mimic changes typical of pancreatic cancer on CT or endoscopic ultrasound but without histological evidence. A real tumor was defined as a neoplastic space-occupying lesion because of pancreatic cancer confirmed by histology.
 Results: thirty-five patients with chronic pancreatitis were included, 26 (74.2%) of whom were men. Nine (25.7%) patients were diagnosed with PCP and two (2/35; 5.7%) patients with PCP were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on follow-up. The time between the diagnosis of PCP and pancreatic adenocarcinoma was 35 and 30 days in the two patients. Definitive diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma was made by surgery. In the remaining six patients with PCP, the median of follow-up was 11 months (range 1–22 months) and they showed no evidence of malignancy on surveillance. In the follow-up of patients without PCP but with chronic pancreatitis, none were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. According to our data, older patients with chronic pancreatitis are at risk of PCP.
 Conclusion: according to characteristics of patient, detection of PCP should lead a surveillance program for pancreatic cancer with EUS-FNA in < 1 month or directly to surgical resection.
 Core tip: actually, there are no clear recommendations for follow-up of patients with chronic pancreatitis and solid pancreatic mass lesions. We followed-up patients with chronic pancreatitis and solid pancreatic mass lesions and we assessed the final outcome and identified an optimal surveillance interval. We found that almost one-third of patients with chronic pancreatitis had PCP, and 22.2% had unresectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma less than 2 mo after the initial diagnosis. Endoscopic ultrasound fine needle aspiration can miss malignancy in nearly 25% of patients with PCP.


  • Материалы и методы Ретроспективно проанализированы данные, полученные проспективно

  • Пациентам выполняли внутривенное контрастирование ― 120 мл Conray («Mallin­ckrodt Baker Inc.», Сент-Луис, Миссури, США) вводили за 45 с до проведения компьютерная томография (КТ)-обследования. 40 мл йодитрата M60 («Justesa Imagen Mexicana») разводили в 1000 мл воды и давали всем пациентам перорально за 1 час до проведения КТ

  • Endoscopic ultrasound fine needle aspiration can miss malignancy in nearly 25% of patients with PCP

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ОригинальнЫе исследованиЯ

Наблюдение за пациентами с псевдо­ туморозным хроническим панкреатитом: исход заболевания и выживание. Все анализы были выполнены с использованием SPSS V.20 для Mac. Результаты Всего было выполнено 200 ЭУЗИ ПЖ при клиническом подозрении на ХП У 2 из 9 (22,2%) пациентов с псевдотуморозным ХП был диагностирован рак ПЖ при последующем наблюдении, хотя при первичном ЭУЗИ ТИБ не выявлено злокачественных клеток. У остальных 6 пациентов с псевдотуморозным ХП медиана наблюдения составила 11 месяцев (диапазон 1–22 месяца), и у них не было обнаружено признаков злокачественности при наблюдении. Burski et al [4] было обнаружено, что у 29% (125/436) пациентов с ХП наблюдался псевдо­ туморозный ХП, а у 13% (16/125) из них диагностирована аденокарцинома ПЖ после наблюдения. Обсуждение Почти у трети пациентов с ХП наблюдался псевдо­ туморозный ХП, а у двух из них (2/9, 22,2%) диагностирована неоперабельная аденокарцинома ПЖ менее чем через 2 месяца после первоначального диагноза псевдотуморозного ХП.

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