
Every summer since 1972, the Department of Psychiatry at Fukuoka University has been holding the Camp Marathon Group Psychotherapy (MGP) for adolescents with emotional disturbances. This time we conducted a follow-up survey on 114 camp attendees from 1978 to 1985. Questionnaires were mailed out and we received 56 replies, that is a response rate of 49.1%. The average observation period of the follow-up was 4 years. The results were as follows: Thirty-six cases or 64.3% were making satisfactory progress at the time of the survey. Eight or 14.3% showed no change or showed worsening conditions. Seven or 12.5% cases developed into schizophrenia. Based on these results, we studied roughly what role MGP plays in the therapy of adolescents with emotional disturbances.

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