
本研究主要聚焦於少年矯正學校執行追蹤輔導之運作現況,並透過矯正學校教師觀點瞭解感化少年離校後面臨之困境,亦深入瞭解教師執行追蹤輔導時所面臨的困境與因應策略,並補充過去相關研究之不足。本研究採用質性研究方法,透過立意取樣方式對矯正學校之教師進行半結構式個別訪談,共計10名研究參與者。研究結果指出,矯正學校教師與少年之互動經驗為影響追蹤輔導執行成效之重要因素,由於矯正學校教師執行追蹤輔導時不具備強制力,學生容易有失聯的情形,且橫向單位之間連結不足等,使得追蹤輔導之執行尚有改進的空間。本研究提出以下建議:一、給予執行後續追蹤輔導業務教師協助之資源與支持;二、加強跨單位資訊交流及資源整合;三、未來逐漸完備矯正學校內各類專業人員。In this article, we present the current situation of follow-up services and counseling at reform schools in Taiwan from the teachers’ perspective. In addition to the difficulties faced by former students, we conducted an in depth examination of the difficulties faced by teachers when implementing follow-up counseling and how they deal with them, which had not been extensively addressed in the existing literature. From a qualitative approach, we conducted semi-structured interviews with ten reform school teachers who were recruited through purposive sampling. The results indicate that while the interaction between teachers and students is a key factor affecting the effectiveness of tracking and counseling, the voluntary nature of such follow-up services would result in many students falling off the radar, and follow-up guidance is hampered by a lack of coordination between various agencies were discovered. Based on the results, we propose three measures for remediating the problems mentioned above: (1) providing resources and support for assisting teachers in the implementation of follow-up counseling; (2) strengthening interagency information exchange and resource integration; and (3) gradually upgrading the training of the faculty and staff at reform schools.

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