
Thanks to the Polish Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening Program (PUNHSP), all newborns in Poland undergo a free, screening hearing examination. Between 2006 and 2015, the average number of tested children per year was 373,477. According to the analysis of The Central Database (CDB), only 55.8% of the children attended the detailed hearing examinations at the second level of the Program. The aim of this study is to analyse the dates concerning the attendance of the children at the diagnostic level of PUNHSP in different regions of Poland. To conduct an analysis of this fact and find out the reasons for low attendance at the second level in 2015, a telephone survey questionnaire was developed for parents who had not registered their babies for further consultation - 3,239 randomly selected parents. The analysis revealed that the number of children examined at the second diagnostic level of the program is in fact much higher than the results of The Central Database show. The actual number is 83.6% as opposed to 55.8%. As a result of the telephone questionnaire some inaccuracies in the input data to the CDB were detected. The main errors in gathering the information for the CDB were incorrect OAE test result and no examination performed. C onclusion: In Poland the worst results (i.e. questionnaire results compared to CDB) for the attendance at the diagnostic level were shown in Pomorskie, Lubelskie, Mazowieckie and Podlaskie regions. In many cases there was a large discrepancy between the reality and the information in the CDB. The improvement of clarity concerning the CDB application is important in order to minimise the possibility of malformation in the CDB.

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