
Introduction. Childhood obesity is a worldwide problem, associated with bulling, weight stigma and low quality of life. Its prevalence measures up to % in some regions of Russia. Obesity is a chronic disease that needs a longtime treatment, the basic method is a lifestyle change with healthy eating and physical activity patterns. The aim of the study is to assess long-term effi cacy of nutrition therapy in children with obesity. Patients and methods. The study included  children with obesity aged .±. (- ) years old, .% girls. After in-patient treatment isocaloric diet and physical activity ≥ min/day were recommended. Psychological counseling and monitoring were not included in the out-patient program. At the end of the follow-up, we assessed the body mass index (BMI) SD dynamics with references to patients’ age and sex. Increase of BMI SD ≥. was esteemated as an obesity progression, BMI SD ±. was regarded as a stabilization, decrease ≥. was accepted as a weight reduction. Results. The time of follow-up in children with obesity was .±. (. – ) years and had weak negative correlation with initial age of children (R=-., p<.); boys and girls had a similar treatment duration (p=.). At the end of follow-up obesity progression was revealed in ,% of children, BMI SD stabilization was found in .% of cases, decrease marked .% of children. Frequency of obesity progression had risen with an increase of follow-up duration: .% in ≥ years vs .% in ≤  year, p=.. Obesity progression was revealed in .% boys and % girls with obesity, p<.. Conclusion. About one half of children with obesity had a negative outcome of the disease during a longtime follow-up. The loss of compliance points at the importance of psychological support for children with obesity and their families to maintain a motivation for healthy lifestyle.

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