
The thyroid hormone status of Corriedale sheep was manipulated in order to produce a change in the rate of fibre elongation (L) with no concomitant change in the diameter (D) of the fibres, to allow the follicular factors responsible for fibre L to be determined. Thyroidectomy resulted in a 60% decrease in wool growth per unit area of skin and a 40% decrease in the rate of fibre volume output, due largely to a decline in fibre L from 412 ,8m/day to 277 8m/day ( P < 0.0001) while fibre D was unchanged (23.9 8m v. 21.9 pm, P > 0-05). Elevation of plasma thyroxine levels to 250% of Control values had no significant effect on fibre L and D, but patch wool growth was increased ( P < 0.05). A high proportion (22.9%) of the follicles in the hypothyroid sheep was inactive in comparison to the low levels of inactivity in the control (1.2%) and hyperthyroid animals (0.1%). The rate of division of follicle bulb cells was depressed by hypothyroidism and increased by hyperthyroidism (P < 0.0001), but there was no effect of thyroid status on the size of the cortical cells released from the wool fibres. Hypothyroid sheep had slightly smaller follicle bulbs and dermal papillae than the control and hyperthyroid animals. The proportion of dividing cells entering the fibre cortex (estimated from cortical cell volume, rate of fibre volume growth and rate of cell division) was depressed by thyroidectomy suggesting that relatively more dividing cells entered the inner root sheath in the follicles of hypothyroid sheep. This is supported by the lower production ratio (ratio of area of fibre to area of fibre-plus-inner root sheath) of the hypothyroid sheep. It is concluded that the rate of fibre elongation is depressed in hypothyroid sheep as a result of both a reduction in the rate of division of cells in the follicle bulb and fewer of these dividing cells entering the fibre cortex. This mechanism allows rapid changes in the rate of fibre elongation to occur with little change in the size of the follicle bulb, and may account for a number of scenarios in which fibre length changes rapidly with no concomitant change in fibre diameter. Fibre diameter, on the other hand, appears to be closely related to the dimensions of the follicle bulb, and by association, to the rate of bulb cell production. Selection of sheep with small follicle bulbs and at the same time, high production ratios, may be means of increasing fibre length whilst maintaining low fibre diameter.

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