
Abstract Fish local knowledge is important to recognize species and contribute to conservation and management strategies. Thus, our aim was to provide diagnostic information for the rapid identification of Mugilidae species in Caeté-Taperaçu Extractive Reserve in Bragança (PA) in northern Brazil. A total of 28 fishers were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires. Most of the interviewees have lived in their resident village since birth and have been involved in artisanal fishers for at least 12 years. Eight generic folk taxa were identified, including ‘tainha’, which was the vernacular name most used to define the Mugil genus. Each scientific species had at least two folk generic taxa and one species. Mugil curema, M. rubrioculus, and M. trichodon were all included in the same ethnospecies, ‘tainha chata’. Most of the scientific species were referred to at least once as the ethnospecies ‘caica’, this name was applied most often to Mugil brevirostris, which is the smallest species found in northern Brazil. The principal characteristics used by the fishers were morphological traits, however, some behavioral characteristics were also taken into account. These findings should contribute to the elaboration of ethnotaxonomic keys that facilitate the rapid identification of Mugil harvested by the region’s artisanal and industrial fisheries.

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