
AbstractDiseases in sugar beet are one of the factors on which its growth and development are dependent. It is a limiting constraint to achieve high yield in sugar beet. In India, rate of occurrence of diseases varies from 10% to 15% and this results in influencing the low sugar beet yield. Fifteen sugar beet diseases of economic value have been known in Indian climatic conditions. The juicy content of the leaves acts as a favorable host for several foliar infections causing a strong impact on root yield. Certain foliar infection in sugar beet crop has nonsignificant effect on sucrose content. Management strategies have been adopted in controlling the various foliar diseases worldwide and the application of bioagents has also been recommended to avoid the lucid use of nonsystemic and systemic fungicides. The foliar diseases known in this crop under Indian conditions have been briefly described in this chapter highlighting the approaches adopted to manage them.KeywordsSugar beetDiseaseSucroseFungicideIndia

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