
Purpose. To determine the effect of microfertilizers and the timing of their application on the dynamics of growth of green biomass of leaves and sugar beet roots.Methods. Field, laboratory and statistical.Results. Highlighted the results of field research on the dynamics of the growth of leaf mass depending on foliar feeding with microfertilizers and timing of their introduction. The dynamics of the growth of sugar beet leaf mass throughout the growing season was intensive when using foliar feeding microfertilizers Mono Bor + sodium polysulphide in the stage of closing leaves in rows and again in the stage of closing leaves between the rows. Microfertilizers types and timing of their introduction affected the growth and development of plants during the growing influence. It was found that most of the nutrients that the plant is consumed in the formation of the harvest go to the plant during the first period of their growth and development. Thus, on the whole, if microfertilizers are applied several times during the growing season, then the stage of closing between the rows is suitable for introduction of additional micronutrients, meanwhile, this stage is not very effective for the introduction of the main fertilizers. The share of influence of factors on the root mass in the period of intensive growth of sugar beet is found.Conclusions. Fertilizers applied throughout different treatments of the experiment in various stages of plant development contributed to higher productivity in ‘Anichka’ and ‘Zluka’ hybrids. It was found that foliar feeding with microfertilizers promoted the growth of leaf mass and the root mass in sugar beet plants.

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