
Foliar application of calcium improves growth, yield and quality of tomato cultivars


  • Calcium plays an important role in plant life cycle as it influence intake of nitrogen and boron, promotes early roots formation and growth, reducing the incidence of blossom end rot, encourage seed and grain production, important for the cell at the apical growth of shoot/root, increase calcium content of food and feed crops

  • The experimental was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design with two factor factorial arrangement i.e Tomato cultivars (Super Classic, Rio-grand, Bambino and Roma) and different concentration of calcium (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5%) having three replication

  • Tomato cultivars (Super Classic, Rio-grand, Bambino and Roma) were sprayed with different concentration of calcium (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5%) after transplanting and at fruit set stage as a foliar spray to minimize the incidence of blossom end rot disorder

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Total fruit

Fruit firmness (kg.cm-2) was measured with help of Penetrometer. The probe of the penetrometer was inserted for measuring fruit firmness and readings of each treatment were taken in kg.cm-2 [12].Total soluble solids content (oBrix) in fruit juice was determined through hand refractometer according to procedure described by [13].Data was analyzed using statistical tool MSTATC for calculating ANOVA and LSD value at 5% level of significance [14]. More number of infected fruits (1.89%) were observed in cultivar Roma in control plot, whereas less percent infected fruits (0.52%) were found in tomato cultivar Riogrand treated with 1.5% calcium as foliar spray (Figure 2). The present results confirms the findings of the [31] who observed that total soluble solid content of tomato fruits were highly affected by CaCl2 application in the storage condition, increasing the calcium concentration resulted a decrease in the total soluble solid content of tomato fruits. This is confirmed by [32] who reported that decreased in TSS content by increasing Ca(NH3) and higher TSS content with low Ca(NH3) concentration

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