
Asmari anticline is a NW-SE fold in the Dezful Embayment sub-basin of Zagros. Fars group (Late Moicene-Quaternary) is cropping out in the cores of anticlines in this area, but Pabdeh and Asmari formations (Oligocene-Early Miocene) have cropped out only in Asmari anticline in the Dezful Embayment. Therefore, it has formed a unique exposure for above formations. In order to this situation, folding mechanism of Asmari anticline has investigated in this research. According to our results, Asmari anticline has two mechanisms: flexural-slip in post-Cretaceous sequences (Khami-Quaternary) and fault-bend folding in pre-Cretaceous sequences. So, there is a hybrid folding mechanism that has introduced for the first time in this paper.


  • We investigated the folding mechanism of a unique structure that has located in the Zagros-East Taurus Hinterland [1]

  • Hybrid folding mechanism has introduced for the first time for the Asmari anticline

  • There is a hybrid folding mechanism that has introduced for the first time in this paper

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We investigated the folding mechanism of a unique structure that has located in the Zagros-East Taurus Hinterland [1]. Dominant structural trends in Zagros Province (Figure 1) are NW-SE in northwestern part and E-W in southeastern part. From tectonics view, it contains the overthrust and simple fold belts of Zagros that formed on the northeastern part of Arabian plate’s passive margin. Zagros Mountains have continued to East Taurus Mountains in Turkey and have named Zagros-East Taurus hinterland. The Zagros-East Taurus hinterland has formed an external platform (fold and thrust belt) in north margin of Arabian Craton. Vergence of folding in this hinterland is toward south and southwest [2] [3]

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