
Chignolin is an artificially designed ten-residue (GYDPETGTWG) folded peptide, which is the smallest protein and provides a good template for protein folding. In this work, we completed four explicit water molecular dynamics simulations of Chignolin folding using GROMOS and OPLS-AA force fields from extended initial states without any experiment informations. The four-folding free energy landscapes of the peptide has been drawn. The folded state of Chignolin has been successfully predicated based on the free energy landscapes. The four independent simulations gave similar results. (i) The four free energy landscapes have common characters. They are fairly smooth, barrierless, funnel-like and downhill without intermediate state, which consists with the experiment. (ii) The different extended initial structures converge at similar folded structures with the lowest free energy under GROMOS and OPLS-AA force fields. In the GROMOS force field, the backbone RMSD of the folded structures from the NMR native structure of Chignolin is only 0.114 nm, which is a stable structure in this force field. In the OPLS-AA force field, the similar results have been obtained. In addition, the smallest RMSD structure is in better agreement with the NMR native structure but unlikely stable in the force field.

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