
In this paper we give a concrete recipe how to construct triples of algebra-valued meromorphic functions on a complex vector space a satisfying three coupled classical dynamical Yang–Baxter equations and an associated classical dynamical reflection equation. Such triples provide the local factors of a consistent system of first order differential operators on a, generalising asymptotic boundary Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov–Bernard (KZB) equations.The recipe involves folding and contracting a-invariant and θ-twisted symmetric classical dynamical r-matrices along an involutive automorphism θ. In case of the universal enveloping algebra of a simple Lie algebra g we determine the subclass of Schiffmann’s classical dynamical r-matrices which are a-invariant and θ-twisted.The paper starts with a section highlighting the connections between asymptotic (boundary) KZB equations, representation theory of semisimple Lie groups, and integrable quantum field theories.

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