
Conflicting views are expressed in literature concerning fold interference patterns in thick-skinned tectonic context (e.g. Central Anti-Atlas and Rocky Mountains-Colorado areas). Such patterns are referred to superimposed events with distinct orientation of compression or to the inversion of paleofaults with distinct strike during a single compressional event. The present work presents a case study where both types of control on fold interference are likely to be combined. The studied folds occur in the Tafilalt-Maider area of eastern Anti-Atlas, i.e. in the E-trending foreland fold belt of the Meseta Variscan Orogen in the area where it connects with the SE-trending, intracontinental Ougarta Variscan belt. Detail mapping documents unusual fold geometries such as sigmoidal and croissant- or boomerang-shaped folds associated with a complex major fault pattern. The folded rock material corresponds to a 6–8 km-thick Cambrian-Serpukhovian sedimentary pile that includes alternating competent and incompetent formations. The basement of the Paleozoic succession is made up of rhomboedric tilted blocks that formed during the Cambrian rifting of north-western Gondwana and the Devonian dislocation of the Sahara platform. The latter event is responsible for an array of paleofaults bounding the Maider and South Tafilalt Devonian-Early Carboniferous basins with respect to the adjoining high axes. The Variscan Orogeny began during the Bashkirian-Westphalian with a N-S direction of shortening that converted the NW-trending Ougnat-Ouzina paleogeographic high into a mega dextral shear zone. Folds developed on top of a moving mosaic of basement blocks, being oriented en echelon on the inverted paleofaults or above intensely sheared fault zones. However, a dominantly NE-SW compression responsible for the building of the Ougarta belt also affected the studied area, presumably during the latest Carboniferous-Early Permian. The resulting fold interference pattern and peculiar geometries (J. Tijekht croissant-shaped fold) would exemplify a dual control of deformation by both the variably oriented basement paleofaults and the evolution of the regional shortening direction with time.

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