
In this paper, we investigate a feasible holography with the Kitaev model using dilatonic gravity in AdS2. We propose a generic dual theory of gravity in the AdS2 and suggest that this bulk action is a suitable toy model in studying quantum mechanics in Kitaev model using gauge/gravity duality. This gives a possible equivalent description for the Kitaev model in the dual gravity bulk. Scalar and tensor perturbations are investigated in details. In the case of near AdS perturbation, we show that the geometry still “freezes” as is AdS, while the dilation perturbation decays at the AdS boundary safely. The time-dependent part of the perturbation is an oscillatory model. We discover that the dual gravity induces an effective and renormalizable quantum action. The entanglement entropy for bulk theory is computed using extremal surfaces. We prove that these surfaces have a fold bifurcation regime of criticality.

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