
Objectives: To ascertain knowledge of periconceptional folate for prevention of neural tube defect (NTD) and to estimate folate intake in young women. Study design: Three hundred young women were questioned about their knowledge of folate for prevention of NTD. Their folate intake was assessed by food frequency questionnaire. Results: Fourteen per cent of 16–19 year olds and 41% of undergraduates were aware of the need to increase folate intake before conception. Median folate intake was estimated to be 235 μg/d in 16–19 year olds and 248.5 μg/d in undergraduates. More than a quarter of women in both groups had folate intakes less than the reference nutrient intake (RNI) (200 μg/d) below which prevalence of NTD rises dramatically and these women would therefore be at increased risk of having a child with NTD should they have an unplanned pregnancy. Conclusions: Strategies are required to increase folate intake among young women and inform them of the benefit of peri-conceptional folate supplementation.

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