
In this paper, we try to address the question worth processing a data stream on the device that collected or should we send somewhere else?. As is often the case in Computer Science, the response is it depends. To find out the cases where is more profitable to stay in the device (which is part of the fog) or to go to a different one (for example, a device in the cloud), we propose two models that intend to help the user evaluate the cost of performing a certain computation on the fog or sending all the data to the cloud. In our generic mathematical model, the user can define a cost type (e.g., number of instructions, execution time, energy consumed) and plug in values to analyze test cases. As filters have a very important role in the future of the Internet of Things and can be implemented as lightweight programs capable of running on resource-constrained devices, this kind of procedure is the main focus of our investigation. Furthermore, our visual model guides the user in their decision by aiding the visualization of the proposed linear equations and their slope, which allows them to find if either fog or cloud computing is more profitable for their specific scenario.

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