
In this study, we developed a focused ultrasound (FUS) thermal therapy system with ultrasound image guidance and thermocouple temperature measurement feedback. Hydraulic position devices and computer-controlled servo motors were used to move the FUS transducer to the desired location with the measurement of actual movement by linear scale. The entire system integrated automatic position devices, FUS transducer, power amplifier, ultrasound image system, and thermocouple temperature measurement into a graphical user interface. For the treatment procedure, a thermocouple was implanted into a targeted treatment region in a tissue-mimicking phantom under ultrasound image guidance, and then the acoustic interference pattern formed by image ultrasound beam and low-power FUS beam was employed as image guidance to move the FUS transducer to have its focal zone coincident with the thermocouple tip. The thermocouple temperature rise was used to determine the sonication duration for a suitable thermal lesion as a high power was turned on and ultrasound image was used to capture the thermal lesion formation. For a multiple lesion formation, the FUS transducer was moved under the acoustic interference guidance to a new location and then it sonicated with the same power level and duration. This system was evaluated and the results showed that it could perform two-dimensional motion control to do a two-dimensional thermal therapy with a small localization error 0.5 mm. Through the user interface, the FUS transducer could be moved to heat the target region with the guidance of ultrasound image and acoustic interference pattern. The preliminary phantom experimental results demonstrated that the system could achieve the desired treatment plan satisfactorily.

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