
Earthquakes with submarine foci are generally located with high uncertainties, and their focal mechanisms are poorly resolved, due to the confinement of the monitoring network onshore and the consequent poor azimuthal coverage. The use of amphibious networks, combining ocean-bottom seismometers (OBSs) and land stations, helps to reduce the epicentral distance and the azimuth gap, thus better constraining the hypocentral locations and decreasing the focal mechanism uncertainties. A second important factor in improving the location accuracy for offshore seismicity is the use of a suitable velocity model. The objective of this paper is to study how the combination of an amphibious network with 3D crustal models can improve offshore earthquake hypocenter locations and focal mechanisms. The study area is SW Iberia near Cape St. Vincent, which generated some of the most striking earthquakes and tsunamis in Europe in past centuries, such as the 1755 Lisbon earthquake (Imax = X). We deployed an array of six broadband OBSs 200 km offshore Cape St. Vincent to study the seismicity of the region for a period of 8 months. During this period, we detected 52 earthquakes, the largest with magnitude M (mbLg) ≈ 5. Thirty-eight earthquakes are relocated using land stations in Iberia and North Africa and the OBS array with different velocity models. Focal mechanisms and moment tensors are computed for a data set of seven earthquakes based on first-motion polarities, body-wave amplitude spectra and waveform cross-correlation. We show that if we include offshore OBS data and consider accurate 3D velocity models to locate earthquakes, the focal parameter uncertainties decrease substantially, thus improving the depth constraint. We also show that the locations and focal mechanisms obtained using the amphibious network agree with the regional stress pattern in the SW Iberia region.

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