
FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity (FLI) was detected in the nervous system of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii using an antiserum that recognizes extended RFamide peptides. Immunocytochemistry revealed FLI in neuronal somata, axons and varicose processes within the central nervous system. In the periphery, plexuses of immunoreactive varicosities were present in the pericardial organs (POs), in thoracic roots and on the hindgut. The hindgut plexus arose from 3-5 axons leaving the sixth abdominal ganglion (A6) via the intestinal nerve. The presence of FLI in these locations was confirmed by radioimmunoassay. In contrast, no FLI was detected in motor axons innervating exoskeletal muscles of the abdomen. The POs contained by far the largest amount of FLI of all tissues examined. The immunoreactive material was partially characterized by extraction and separation on two consecutive reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) columns. The largest amount of immunoreactivity on the second column co-eluted with a synthetic peptide, SDRNFLRFamide (F2), previously identified as one of two or more FMRFamide-related peptides contained in lobster POs. The immunoreactive fractions and peptide F2 elicited similar effects on isolated crayfish hearts; all increased the rate and amplitude of spontaneous cardiac contractions. As with the immunoreactivity, the highest level of bioactivity was contained in the fraction that co-eluted with F2. The results suggest that FMRFamide-related peptides act as neurohormones in crayfish and are likely to play roles in controlling circulation and defecation.

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