
The Fuels and Materials Examination Facility (FMEF) is being scoped to provide postirradiation examination capabilities for FFTF, LMFBR and GCFR fuels and materials. The Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory has requested that the Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) complete a feasibility study for the development of equipment to meet the FMEF Measurement Requirements for irradiated fuel pin and absorber rod bow, length, profile and visual examination stations. The purpose of the report is to provide a conceptual design for development of the examination equipment. The design analysis assumes that fuel pins and absorber rods to be examined are in the main cell. The cell's environment will be argon or nitrogen gas at a pressure between --1 and --4 in. of water and at a temperature between 70 and 100/sup 0/F. Oxygen content of the cell gas will normally be controlled between 25 and 50 ppM. Water content will be controlled within the same limits.

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