
The synthetic gauge field and dissipation are of crucial importance in both fundamental physics and applications. Here, we investigate the interplay of the uniform flux and the on-site gain and loss by considering a dissipative two-leg ladder model. By calculating the spectral winding number and the generalized Brillouin zone, we predict the non-Hermitian skin effect, whose skin modes display the bipolar localization. This skin effect emerges when the flux is not an integer multiple of $\ensuremath{\pi}$. We further demonstrate the breakdown of the chiral currents due to the presence of the skin effect by studying single-particle dynamics. Moreover, we show that the non-Hermiticity can drive a flux-dependent topological transition characterized by a hidden Chern number. Our results provide a scheme to manipulate the non-Hermitian skin effect and topological phase transitions, which may find potential applications in lasing, light manipulating, and signal processing.

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