
Various criteria have been developed to remove non-stationarity in turbulence time series, though it remains unclear how the choice of the stationarity criterion affects similarity functions in the framework of the Monin–Obukhov similarity theory. To investigate this, we use stationary datasets that result from applying five common criteria to remove non-stationarity in turbulence time series from the Terrain-Induced Rotor EXperiment conducted in Owens Valley, California. We determine the form of the flux–variance similarity functions and the scatter around these similarity functions for all five stationary datasets. Data were collected at two valley locations and one slope location using 34-m flux towers with six levels of turbulence measurements. Our results show (i) systematic differences from previously found near-neutral values of the parameters in the flux–variance similarity functions over flat terrain, indicating a larger anisotropy of the flow over complex than over flat terrain, (ii) a reduction of this anisotropy when stationary data are used, with the amount of reduction depending on the stationarity criterion, (iii) a general reduction in scatter around the similarity functions when using stationary data but more so for stable than for unstable stratification, and for valley locations than for the slope location, and (iv) a weak variation with height of near-neutral values of parameters in the flux–variance similarity functions.

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