
The chromoelectric field generated by a static quark-antiquark pair, with its peculiar tube-like shape, can be nicely described, at zero temperature, within the dual superconductor scenario for the QCD confining vacuum. In this work we investigate, by lattice Monte Carlo simulations of the SU (3) pure gauge theory, the fate of chromoelectric flux tubes across the deconfinement transition. We find that, if the distance between the static sources is kept fixed at about $$ 0.76\ \mathrm{fm}\simeq 1.6/\sqrt{\sigma } $$ and the temperature is increased towards and above the deconfinement temperature T c , the amplitude of the field inside the flux tube gets smaller, while the shape of the flux tube does not vary appreciably across deconfinement. This scenario with flux-tube “evaporation” above T c has no correspondence in ordinary (type-II) superconductivity, where instead the transition to the phase with normal conductivity is characterized by a divergent fattening of flux tubes as the transition temperature is approached from below. We present also some evidence about the existence of flux-tube structures in the magnetic sector of the theory in the deconfined phase.


  • JHEP06(2016)033 the dual superconductivity picture of the QCD vacuum remains at least a very useful phenomenological frame to interpret the vacuum dynamics

  • In this paper we studied the color field distribution between a static quark-antiquark pair in the SU(3) pure gauge theory at finite temperatures

  • It is known that, at zero temperature, the chromoelectric field generated by a static quark-antiquark pair can be described within the dual superconductor mechanism for confinement

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Lattice setup

From the phenomenological point of view, the nonperturbative study of the chromoelectric flux tubes generated by static color sources at finite temperature is directly relevant to clarify the formation of ccand bb bound states in heavy-ion collisions at high energies It should be evident, that to implement this program we cannot employ the Wilson loop operator in the connected correlation in eq (2.1). This approach leads to the desirable effect of suppressing lattice artifacts at the scale of the cutoff, without affecting the thermal fluctuations This procedure can be iterated many times to obtain smoother and smoother gauge field configurations and allows the anisotropic treatment of spatial and temporal links. In the following, we will focus only on the numerical results regarding the longitudinal chromoelectric fields

Numerical results
Magnetic sector in the deconfined phase
Summary and conclusions
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