
An analysis of temporal variability in proglacial suspended sediment concentration is undertaken using time series data collected from three Svalbard basins which include one largely cold-based glacier (Austre Broggerbreen), one largely warm-based glacier (Finsterwalderbreen) and one intermediate polythermal glacier (Erdmannbreen). The temporal variability in proglacial suspended sediment concentration is analysed using multiple regression techniques in which discharge is supplemented by other predictors acting as surrogates for variability in sediment supply at diurnal, medium-term and seasonal timescales. These multiple regression models improve upon the statistical explanation of suspended sediment concentration produced by simple sediment rating curves but need to account for additional stochastic elements within the time series before they may be considered successful. An interpretation of the physical processes which are responsible for the regression model characteristics is offered as a basis for comparing the different arctic glaciofluvial suspended sediment transport systems with that of their better known temperate glaciofluvial counterparts. It is inferred that the largely warm-based glacier is dominated by sediment supply from subglacial reservoirs which evolve in a similar manner to temperate glaciers and which cause a pronounced seasonal exhaustion of suspended sediment supply. The largely cold-based glacier, however, is dominated by sediment supply from marginal sources which generate a responsive system at short time scales but no significant seasonal pattern. The intermediate polythermal glacier basin, which was anticipated to be similar to the warm-based glacier, instead shows a highly significant seasonal increase in suspended sediment supply from an unusual subglacial reservoir emerging under pressure in the glacier foreland. The temperate model of glaciofluvial suspended sediment transport is therefore found to be of limited use in an arctic context. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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