
This paper presents the geomorphological and stratigraphical study of several sequences of fluvial terraces in the centre of the Vinalopó River and the sedimentological analysis (grain size) of depositional sequences in the archaeological site of EDAR in Monforte del Cid (1st century BC). Both studies allow us to pinpoint fluvial sedimentary dynamics during the first part of the upper Holocene (5000 BC - 400 AD) in an arid environment in south-eastern Spain. The analysis of the territory occupation allows us to relate sedimentary processes with human activity. The fluvial system has had a complex sedimentary evolution. Sedimentary aggradation processes are relevant, particularly from the 5th-4th century BC up to the 3rd-4th century AD. Between these periods slow depositional processes alternated with quasi-stability phases are documented, in a more humid climate than the current context. These geomorphological processes appear to have had a direct relationship with the level of human pressure on the basin, at least since the third century BC. This modest geoarchaeological approach provides relevant data to the discussion about the impact of human activitiy on the fluvial sedimentary dynamics.

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