
Holocene fluvial changes of the Guadalquivir River at Córdoba City were studied with an emphasis on floodplain development, river migration rates, sedimentation rates and environmental history. During the Holocene, the Guadalquivir River has developed a large meander (El Arenal) with a general southwards lateral migration, undercutting Tertiary bedrock, and with a total incision of 9 m, which developed three alluvial surfaces: Fp1, Fp2 and Fp3. The oldest floodplain surface Fp1 (+ 7–9 m) was deposited during the early Holocene and reached its maximum extent around 1000 yr BP. The next floodplain surface Fp2 (+ 5 m) accumulated 500 to 1000 yr ago. Finally, the youngest floodplain surface (Fp3, + 1–2 m) was developed in the last 500 yr. Migration rates and direction changed from 690–480 m 2 yr − 1 in Fp1 (to the southeast), 2280 m 2 yr − 1 in Fp2 and 620 m 2 yr − 1 in Fp3 (to the west). The stratigraphical study of palaeomeanders and chute channel deposits show evidence of river position and dynamics through recent times: (1) “San Eduardo” was filled 4000 yr BP; (2) “Madre Vieja” has been active since 2100 yr BP to the present day; and (3) “El Cortijo” was formed and filled during historical times (the last 1000 yr). The chronology of the alluvial stratigraphy and fluvial dynamics are discussed within the context of historical hydrologic, climatic and anthropogenic changes. In addition, the geomorphological reconstruction of the riverine landscape in historical times provided some clue to the location of Medinat al-Zahira, a lost Muslim settlement built in the 10th century AD and believed to be situated at, or nearby, the Arenal meander. Paleogeographical analysis shows that the most suitable conditions for this medieval settlement were found on the northeast part of the Arenal meander.

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