
Human health is affected by fluoride deficit or excess in the environment. Fluorosis is a diseasethat affects about 200 million individuals in 25 nations throughout the world. Fluorosis is endemicin 17 Indian states, which is surprising. The purpose of this study was to determine the fluoridecontent in groundwater in various villages in Haryana’s Gurugram district, where groundwater isthe primary source of drinking water. A total of 186 groundwater samples were collected usinghand pumps and examined for fluoride levels. Fluoride levels in four tehsils range from 0.08 mg/l (village Haiderpur, Grurgram Tehsil) to 10.5 mg/l (Village Haiderpur, Grurgram Tehsil). Accordingto the study, fluoride concentrations in 106 villages/towns (65.84 percent) are below 1.0 mg/l, themaximum desirable limit of drinking water standards recommended by the Bureau of IndianStandards (IS: 10500, 2012), and fluoride concentrations in 12 villages/towns are above 1.0 mg/l butbelow or equal to 1.5 mg/l. Fluoride levels in 41 villages/towns were found to be above thepermitted limit, rendering them unsafe for drinking. Fluoride in groundwater is thought to becaused by the presence of fluoride-bearing minerals in the host rock, their chemical features suchas breakdown, dissociation, and dissolution, and their interaction with water. Dilution byblending, artificial recharge, effective irrigation methods, and well construction are some of thesuggested remedial measures to mitigate fluoride pollution in groundwater.

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