
A constrained derivative, cis-1-amino-2-(3-indolyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid, cis-W3, was designed to test the rotamer model of tryptophan photophysics. The conformational constraint enforces a single chi(1) conformation, analogous to the chi(1) = 60 degrees rotamer of tryptophan. The side-chain torsion angles in the X-ray structure of cis-W3 were chi(1) = 58.5 degrees and chi(2) = -88.7 degrees. Molecular mechanics calculations suggested two chi(2) rotamers for cis-W3 in solution, -100 degrees and 80 degrees, analogous to the chi(2) = +/-90 degrees rotamers of tryptophan. The fluorescence decay of the cis-W3 zwitterion was biexponential with lifetimes of 3.1 and 0.3 ns at 25 degrees C. The relative amplitudes of the lifetime components match the chi(2) rotamer populations predicted by molecular mechanics. The longer lifetime represents the major chi(2) = -100 degrees rotamer. The shorter lifetime represents the minor chi(2) = 80 degrees rotamer having the ammonium group closer to C4 of the indole ring (labeled C5 in the cis-W3 X-ray structure). Intramolecular excited-state proton transfer occurs at indole C4 in the tryptophan zwitterion (Saito, I.; Sugiyama, H.; Yamamoto, A.; Muramatsu, S.; Matsuura,T. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 4286-4287). Photochemical isotope exchange experiments showed that H-D exchange occurs exclusively at C5 in the cis-W3 zwitterion, consistent with the presence of the chi(2) = 80 degrees rotamer in solution. The rates of two nonradiative processes, excited-state proton and electron transfer, were measured for individual chi(2) rotamers. The excited-state proton-transfer rate was determined from H-D exchange and fluorescence lifetime data. The excited-state electron-transfer rate was determined from the temperature dependence of the fluorescence lifetime. The major quenching process in the -100 degrees rotamer is electron transfer from the excited indole to carboxylate. Electron transfer also occurs in the 80 degrees rotamer, but the major quenching process is intramolecular proton transfer. Both quenching processes are suppressed by deprotonation of the amino group. The results for cis-W3 provide compelling evidence that the complex fluorescence decay of the tryptophan zwitterion originates in ground-state heterogeneity with the different lifetimes primarily reflecting different intramolecular excited-state proton- and electron-transfer rates in various rotamers.

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