
Multi-dimensional time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) is based on the excitation of the sample by a highrepetition rate laser and the detection of single photons of the fluorescence signal in several detection channels. Each photon is characterised by its time in the laser period, its detection channel number, and several additional variables such as the coordinates of an image area, or the time from the start of the experiment. Combined with a confocal or twophoton laser scanning microscope and a pulsed laser, multi-dimensional TCSPC makes a fluorescence lifetime technique with multi-wavelength capability, near-ideal counting efficiency, and the capability to resolve multi-exponential decay functions. We show that the same technique and the same hardware can be used to for precision fluorescence decay analysis, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and fluorescence intensity distribution analysis (FIDA and FILDA) in selected spots of a sample.

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