
Fluid inclusions in garnet combined with element X-ray mapping, phase equilibrium modelling and conventional thermobarometry have been used to constrain the metamorphic evolution of metapelitic gneiss from the HP/UHP metamorphic terrane of Pohorje Mountains in the Eastern Alps, Slovenia. Retrograde P–T trajectory from ~2.75 GPa and 780°C is constrained by the composition of matrix phengite (6.66 apfu Si) coexisting with garnet cores, kyanite and quartz. The intersection of the XPrp = 0.25 isopleth for the garnet with the upper stability boundary for K-feldspar in the matrix indicates near-isothermal decompression to ~0.9 GPa at 720°C. Temperatures over 650°C during this stage are corroborated by the high degree of ordering of graphite inclusions associated with Zn, Mg-rich staurolite and phlogopite in the Mg-rich (XPrp = 0.22–0.25) garnet cores. Majority of garnet porphyroblasts are depleted in Mg (down to XPrp = 0.09) and enriched in Mn (up to XSps = 0.12) along cracks and at their margins. The associated retrograde mineral assemblage comprises Zn, Mg-poor staurolite, muscovite, biotite–siderophyllite, sillimanite and quartz. The onset of the retrogression and the compositional modification of the garnet porphyroblasts were accompanied by the addition of fluid-deposited graphite around older graphite inclusions, probably due to removal of water from a graphite-buffered COH fluid by dissolution in partial silicic melt. Instantaneous expulsion of water near the melt solidus (640°C, max. 0.45 GPa) caused dissolution of the graphite at redox conditions corresponding to 0.25–1.25 logfO2 units below the QFM buffer, giving rise to a H2O–CO2–CH4 fluid trapped in primary inclusions in Mn-rich, Mg-poor, almandine garnet that reprecipitated within the retrogressed domains. The absence of re-equilibration textures and consistent densities of the fluid inclusions reflect a near-isochoric cooling postdating the near-isothermal decompression. Bulk water content in the metapelite attained 2 wt% during this stage. The low-degree partial melting and extensive hydration due to the release of the internally derived, low-pressure aqueous fluids led to the reset of peak-pressure mineral assemblage.

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