
The availability of fluids and drill cuttings from the active hydrothermal system at Roosevelt Hot Springs allows a quantitative comparison between the observed and predicted alteration mineralogy, calculated from fluid-mineral equilibria relationships. Comparison of all wells and springs in the thermal area indicates a common reservoir source, and geothermometer calculations predict its temperature to be higher ( 288°C ± 10°) than the maximum measured temperature of 268°C. The composition of the deep reservoir fluid was estimated from surface well samples, allowing for steam loss, gas release, mineral precipitation and ground-water mixing in the well bore. This deep fluid is sodium chloride in character, with approximately 9700 ppm dissolved solids, a pH of 6.0, and gas partial pressures of O 2 ranging from 10 −32 to 10 −35 atm, CO 2 of 11 atm, H 2S of 0.020 atm and CH 4 of 0.001 atm. Comparison of the alteration mineralogy from producing and nonproducing wells allowed delineation of an alteration pattern characteristic of the reservoir rock. Theoretical alteration mineral assemblages in equilibrium with the deep reservoir fluid, between 150° and 300°C, in the system Na 2O-K 2O-CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe 2O 3-Al 2O 3-H 4SiO 4-H 2O-H 2S-CO 2-HCl, were calculated. Minerals theoretically in equilibrium with the calculated reservoir fluid at >240°C include sericite, K-feldspar, quartz, chalcedony, hematite, magnetite and pyrite. This assemblage corresponds with observed higher-temperature ( >210°C) alteration assemblage in the deeper parts of the producing wells. The presence of montmorillonite and mixed-layer clays with the above assemblage observed at temperatures <210°C corresponds with minerals predicted to be in equilibrium with the fluid below 240°C. Alteration minerals present in the reservoir rock that do not exhibit equilibrium with respect to the reservoir fluid include epidote, anhydrite, calcite and chlorite. These may be products of an earlier hydrothermal event, or processes such as boiling and mixing, or a result of errors in the equilibrium calculations as a result of inadequate thermochemical data.

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