
The δ18O, δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr values of calcite and organic matter were measured for carbonate mylonites from numerous thrusts in the Helvetic Alps. Carbonate mylonites in most of the thrusts retain essentially unaltered protolith δ18O and δ13C values, consistent with there having been little to no advection of isotopically distinct fluid through these faults. Only carbonate mylonites from the basal thrusts of the largest nappes have δ18O and/or δ13C values that differ from those of their protoliths. The zone of isotopic alteration/exchange is confined to c. 10 to 20 meters of these fault contacts. We propose the fluids that migrated through these faults contained variable amounts of organically derived carbon and radiogenic strontium, and were probably derived from dewatering of the sedimentary rocks and prograde metamorphic reactions in the nappes' root zones. Apart from the basal thrusts of the largest nappes that behaved as narrow, laterally extensive conduits for fluids, there is little isotopic evidence that large quantities of fluids passed through most of the carbonate-hosted thrusts in the Helvetic Alps.

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