
Footwall rocks of the 1954 rupture segment of the Dixie Valley fault show extensive hydrothermal alteration related to fluids that were present on the fault during tectonic events. Hydrothermal alteration of granitic host rocks consists of temporally and spatially overlapping mineral assemblages. An early, biotite‐feldspar assemblage is followed by later Fe‐chlorite and epidote. Both chlorite and epidote are replaced by hydrothermal sericite and cross‐cut by calcite‐hematite and quartz‐calcite veins. Biotite is partially replaced by prehnite. The latest hydrothermal minerals are stilbite, laumontite, kaolinite, alunite, smectite, illite, and pervasive replacement of rock units with fine grained quartz, chalcedony, and opal. Secondary fluid inclusions trapped in healed microfractures in igneous quartz include type I inclusions that contain a moderate salinity aqueous liquid and vapor, type II inclusions that contain a moderate salinity aqueous liquid and CO2; type III inclusions that show eutectic melting temperatures below the NaCl‐H2O eutectic and contain substantial CaCl2, and type IV inclusions containing halite and other daughter minerals. Microthermometric measurements on these inclusions yield variable compositions and homogenization temperatures. Salinities of type I inclusions vary from 0.1 to 12.9 wt % NaCl with the mode in the interval 0 to 1%. Salinities of type II CO2 bearing inclusions range from 0.62 to 6.81 wt % NaCl relative to H2O, and salinities of type III inclusions with low eutectic melting temperatures are 12.9 to 25.3 NaCl equivalent wt %. Salinities of halite‐bearing inclusions are 30.1 to 39.2 wt % NaCl. Homogenization temperatures span the range 120° to 400°C. The processes of isochemical cooling with upward displacement of the footwall, mixing of cool low‐salinity water with hotter components, and mixing of cool, evaporite brine with hotter components could be responsible for variable fluid inclusion compositions, homogenization temperatures, and densities. The P‐T path of the fault fluids is established by mineral equilibria and fluid inclusion characteristics. The path includes a lithostatic fluid pressure at 305°C and 1570 bars. Along with cooling and escape of CO2 from fluids, the fluid P‐T path probably approaches hydrostatic pressure conditions at lower temperatures. Hydrothermal alteration product minerals, fluid temperatures, pressures, and compositions in the footwall of the Dixie Valley fault constrain minimum fault age to 20 to 25 Ma, displacement to 6 km with about 3 km of pre‐10 to 13 Ma and 3 km of post‐10 Ma uplift. Fluid compositions and P‐T data suggest the following mechanism for rupture initiation and arrest. Ruptures may be initiated as a result of high fluid pressures, then opening of dilatant fractures causes drastic decrease in fluid pressure, separation of steam and CO2. The drastic reduction in fluid bulk modulus that accompanies volatile phase separation permits propagation of the ruptures even though fluid pressure is reduced. In areas where fluid pressure reduction is not accompanied by phase separation, fractures are arrested by dilatant hardening.

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