
The identification of a magmatic source for granite-associated rare metal (W, Nb, Ta and Sn) mineralisation in metasediment-hosted quartz veins is often obscured by intense fluid–rock interactions which metamorphically overprinted most source signatures in the vein system. In order to address this recurrent metal sourcing problem, we have studied the metasediment-hosted tungsten-bearing quartz veins of the Nyakabingo deposit of the Karagwe-Ankole belt in Central Rwanda. The vein system (992±2Ma) is spatiotemporal related to the well-characterised B-rich, F-poor G4 leucogranite–pegmatite suite (986±10Ma to 975±8Ma) of the Gatumba–Gitarama area which culminated in Nb–Ta–Sn mineralisation. Muscovite in the Nyakabingo veins is significantly enriched in granitophile elements (Rb, Cs, W and Sn) and show alkali metal signatures equivalent to muscovite of less-differentiated pegmatite zones of the Gatumba–Gitarama area. Pegmatitic muscovite records a decrease in W content with increasing differentiation proxies (Rb and Cs), in contrast to the continuous enrichment of other high field strength elements (Nb and Ta) and Sn. This is an indication of a selective redistribution for W by fluid exsolution and fluid fractionation.Primary fluid inclusions in tourmaline of these less-differentiated pegmatites demonstrate the presence of medium to low saline, H2O–NaCl–KCl–MgCl2-complex salt (e.g. Rb, Cs) fluids which started to exsolve at the G4 granite–pegmatite transition stage. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry shows significant tungsten enrichment in these fluid phases (∼5–500ppm). Fractional crystallisation has been identified previously as the driving mechanism for the transition from G4 granites, less-differentiated biotite, biotite–muscovite towards muscovite pegmatites and eventually columbite–tantalite mineralised pegmatites. The general absence of tungsten mineralisation in this magmatic suite, including the most differentiated columbite–tantalite mineralised pegmatites of the Gatumba–Gitarama area, emphasises the efficiency of fluid saturation to extract crystal–melt incompatible tungsten from the differentiating melt phase. Fluid–melt–crystal partitioning calculations support the concept of a magmatic–hydrothermal fluid source for tungsten and constrain the range of permissible crystal–melt and fluid–melt partition coefficients together with realistic values for water solubility in the parental G4 granitic melt. Consequently, we propose that for highly-differentiated B-rich, F-poor granite systems fluid saturation started prior to or at the granite–pegmatite transition stage resulting in apical to peribatholitic tungsten veins systems that are paragenetically older than the final pegmatite stage.

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