
cycling of exogenic components. Diopside and Ti-clinohumite are The oceanic serpentinization of peridotites and the influence of such the high-pressure minerals acting as repositories for REE and Sr, an alteration on element cycling during their subduction dewatering and for high field strength elements (HFSE), respectively. The are here investigated in a mantle slice (Erro–Tobbio peridotite), first aqueous fluid equilibrated with such an assemblage is enriched in exposed to oceanic serpentinization and later involved in alpine Cl and alkaline elements but strongly depleted in REE and subduction, partial dewatering and formation of a high-pressure HFSE (less than chondrite abundances). Sr is low [(0·2–1·6) olivine+ titanian-clinohumite+ diopside+ antigorite assemblage × chondrites], although selectively enriched relative to light REE. in the peridotites and in veins. Previous work indicates that highpressure veins include primary brines, representing a residue after crystallization of the vein assemblage and containing recycled oceanic Cl and alkalis. To reconstruct the main changes during oceanic

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