
For more than 100 years, germicidal lamps emitting 254 nm ultraviolet (UV) radiation have been used for drinking-water disinfection and surface sterilization. However, due to the carcinogenic nature of 254 nm UV, these lamps have been unable to be used for clinical procedures such as wound or surgical site sterilization. Recently, technical advances have facilitated a new generation of germicidal lamp whose emissions centre at 222 nm. These novel 222 nm lamps have commensurate antimicrobial properties to 254 nm lamps while producing few short- or long-term health effects in humans upon external skin exposure. However, to realize the full clinical potential of 222 nm UV, its safety upon internal tissue exposure must also be considered. Type I collagen is the most abundant structural protein in the body, where it self-assembles into fibrils which play a crucial role in connective tissue structure and function. In this work, we investigate the effect of 222 nm UV radiation on type I collagen fibrils in vitro. We show that collagen's response to irradiation with 222 nm UV is fluence-dependent, ranging from no detectable fibril damage at low fluences to complete fibril degradation and polypeptide chain scission at high fluences. However, we also show that fibril degradation is significantly attenuated by increasing collagen sample thickness. Given the low fluence threshold for bacterial inactivation and the macroscopic thickness of collagenous tissues in vivo, our results suggest a range of 222 nm UV fluences which may inactivate pathogenic bacteria without causing significant damage to fibrillar collagen. This presents an initial step toward the validation of 222 nm UV radiation for internal tissue disinfection.

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