
The fluence-response curves of wildtype and long-hypocotyl mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana L. for induction and inhibition of seed germination, expressed as percentage germination on probit scale against logarithm of fluence, are very different in shape. The mutants show reduced photoinhibition of hypocotyl growth in white light compared with wildtype, suggesting they are either mutated in phytochrome, the blue/UV-absorbing photosystem or some other red-absorbing photosystem. Calculations of the amount of the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr), by a given fluence have been made taking into account pre-existing Pfr in the seeds. This pre-existing Pfr can change dramatically the slope of a fluence-response curve. Other factors such as an overriding factor, stimulating germination by a non-phytochrome-related process, the total phytochrome content, the range of normal distribution of logarithm of Pfr requirement of individuals in the population and differential screening can influence the form and-or position of a fluence-response curve. Action spectra calculated for germination induction and for the inhibition of induction for the different genotypes are qualitatively the same, having peaks of effectiveness at 660 nm and 730 nm respectively. In the blue region of the spectrum very little activity is seen in comparison with that of red light. Differences in bandwidth of effectiveness for induction of germination are attributed to different amounts of screening pigments in the seed batches. The long-hypocotyl mutants therefore have a normal phytochrome system operative in the control of seed germination, by short-term irradiation and no other photosystem appears to be involved.

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