
The Molina Member of the Wasatch Formation is a primary objective for light gas sandstone production. The G-Sandstone unit of the Molina produces an average of 200 MCFGPD. The chert-rich sandstones and conglomerates of the Molina Member, which are exposed in two subparallel belts on the western and eastern sides of the basin, are strikingly different from the remainder of the Wasatch formation. The underlying Atwell Gulch Member and overlying Shire Member are composed of floodplain mudstones with well developed paleosols and rare, lenticular channel sandstones. Both units are interpreted as anastomosed fluvial deposits. The Molina Member, which varies from 32-118 m thick and in places contains clasts >0.2 m, is more difficult to interpret. Different portions of individual sections contain significant proportions of parallel laminated sandstones up to 5 m thick and several hundred meters wide. These parallel laminated sandstones are most common to the north along the western outcrop bell. They are interbedded with sandstones and conglomerates that are typical of a braided fluvial deposit. The contact between the two fluvial styles is sharp but conformable. The Molina Member therefore represents a perturbation in fluvial style from suspended-load to bedload and back to suspended-load over a restricted timemore » interval. This may be the product of a change in climate, i.e., a change in rainfall amount or timing in the source area, source rock, e.g., the unroofing of a Jurassic eolian sandstone, or an increase in the depositional slope due to uplift. The return to a mud-dominated depositional system in the Shire Member argues for either climatic or source-rock variations as the primary control of the fluvial style.« less

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