
Universite´Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Chimie-Physique, Case Postale 231, Boulevard du Triomphe, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium~Received 28 May 1996!The numerical resolution of the Langevin equations, with specific internal noises deduced from masterequations, exhibits two qualitatively different behaviors for the reaction-diffusion wave fronts associated witheither a cubic or a quadratic chemical rate. In the case of a wave front between two stable stationary states,illustrated by the Schlo¨gl model, the effect of fluctuations in the vicinity of a bifurcation induces perturbativedeviations from the deterministic predictions on observable properties, like the propagation velocity, the profilewidth, and the value of the highest plateau. These deviations obey power laws that are determined. For wavefronts propagating into an unstable stationary state, such as in the Fisher model, a nonperturbative fluctuationeffect on velocity and profile width is observed, in relation to the selection, in the presence of noise, of aparticular solution in the continuum of linearly stable deterministic solutions. @S1063-651X~96!03010-3#PACS number~s!: 47.70.Fw, 82.20.2w, 05.40.1jI. INTRODUCTION

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