
We analyze the fluctuating dynamics at the golden-mean transition to chaos in the critical circle map and find that trajectories within the critical attractor consist of infinite sets of power laws mixed together. We elucidate this structure assisted by known renormalization group (RG) results. Next we proceed to weigh the new findings against Tsallis’ entropic and Mori's thermodynamic theoretical schemes and observe behavior to a large extent richer than previously reported. We find that the sensitivity to initial conditions ξ t has the form of families of intertwined q-exponentials, of which we determine the q-indexes and the generalized Lyapunov coefficient spectra λ q . Further, the dynamics within the critical attractor is found to consist of not one but a collection of Mori's q-phase transitions with a hierarchical structure. The value of Mori's ‘thermodynamic field’ variable q at each transition corresponds to the same special value for the entropic index q. We discuss the relationship between the two formalisms and indicate the usefulness of the methods involved to determine the universal trajectory scaling function σ and/or the occurrence and characterization of dynamical phase transitions.

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