
It is shown that in addition to increased susceptibility in pregnant women to influenza virus in them more often severe and complicated forms of the infection are recorded. The frequency of mortality from influenza, complicated by pneumonia, in the mothers during the pandemic period in 2009 was 2.5% and perinatal loss amounted to 8.3%. There are presented data on the relationship of the disease of pregnant women with influenza with developmental malformations in their offsprings. Obstetric tactic is determined individually for each pregnant depending on the period of parturition. Antiviral therapy of influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 in pregnant with arbidol drugs, oseltamivir, viferon reduced the rate of preterm labors, congenital pneumonia and cerebral ischemia in newborns. The main methods of preventing influenza is vaccination, which is allowed from the II trimester of gestation. Post-exposure antiviral chemoprophylaxis in pregnants is expedient to perform with zanamivir. There are listed all the errors in the management of pregnant women with influenza, which significantly reduced the effectiveness of treatment and increased incidence of adverse outcomes.

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