
The experiments were carried out in 2001-2003 in a high unheated plastic tunnel. The influence of reduction of leaves and application of reflection matter on flowering and fruiting of small-sized tomato was studied. The experiment focused on the following factors: methods of increasing the amount of light in plant tops (reflection matter, cutting leaves, reflection matter + cutting leaves) and cultivars of small sized tomato ('Conchita F<sub>1</sub>', 'Picolino F<sub>1</sub>'). The cutting of leaves and reflection matter mulching resulted in the increase of the intensity of radiation reaching plant tops and the reflected radiation. The above measures increasing the light access to plant tops significantly increased the number of flowers, germs and fruits. The reflection matter mulching along with cutting leaves resulted in the substantial growth of early yield of small-sized tomato. The 'Conchita F<sub>1</sub>' cultivar set a relatively greater number of flowers and fruits on a plant and in cluster than 'Picolino F<sub>1</sub>'.


  • The experiment focused on the following factors: methods of increasing the amount of light in plant tops and cultivars of small sized tomato (‘Conchita F1’, ‘Picolino F1’)

  • The cutting of leaves and reflection matter mulching resulted in the increase of the intensity of radiation reaching plant tops and the reflected radiation

  • The above measures increasing the light access to plant tops significantly increased the number of flowers, germs and fruits

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Intensywnoœæ kwitnienia i owocowania pomidora drobnoowocowego pod wp3ywem regulacji iloœci œwiat3a dochodz1cego do koron roœlin Zalecana liczba liœci na roœlinie pomidora to 15-18 w pocz1tkowym okresie, a po og3owieniu roœlin pozostawia siê nie wiêcej ni¿ 10 liœci w koñcowym okresie uprawy (Wysocka - Owczarek , 2001). Przedmiotem badañ by3y nastêpuj1ce czynniki: metody zwiêkszenia iloœci œwiat3a w koronach roœlin (materia3 refleksyjny, ciêcie liœci, materia3 refleksyjny + ciêcie liœci) oraz dwie odmiany pomidora drobnoowocowego (De Ruiter Seeds): ‘Conchita F ’

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