
AbstractFloral traits and sexual systems in angiosperms are strategies that enhance outcrossing within hermaphrodite flowers and among individuals in a population. Sexual systems with unisexual flowers have also evolved among angiosperms, resulting in sex specialization. Furthermore, the interaction of floral traits and floral visitors determines successful plant reproduction. Globose cacti are bee pollinated, and variation in the diversity of their pollinator assemblages is strongly associated with floral phenotype. Our objective was to describe the floral biology of the cactus Coryphantha elephantidens and to determine its relationship with pollinators. Floral traits were studied by direct observations in live and fixed flowers. The breeding system was determined using two estimators based on floral morphology: pollen grains to ovules per flower (P/O) ratio and outcrossing index. Pollination treatments were conducted to determine the mating system. Floral visitors were recorded using direct observation. Flowers of C. elephantidens are variable in color, protandric, herkogamous and nectarless. Estimators of the breeding system indicated xenogamy, which is consistent with the obligate outcrossing revealed by the pollination experiment. Thirty‐seven percent of the plants have female flowers that do not produce pollen, making this population functionally gynodioecious. Both fruit and seed set were high compared to other globose cacti. Pollinators included eight species of native bees, a more diverse pollinator assemblage than other globose cacti. Given the high pressure on pollen due to functional gynodioecy, nectarless flowers, an outcrossing mating system, and the necessity of pollinators to set seeds, we concluded that native bees are highly efficient pollinators that play a crucial role in the sexual reproduction of C. elephantidens.

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