
Flow-based methods for local graph clustering have received significant recent attention for their theoretical cut improvement and runtime guarantees. In this work we present two improvements for using flow-based methods in real-world semi-supervised clustering problems. Our first contribution is a generalized objective function that allows practitioners to place strict and soft penalties on excluding specific seed nodes from the output set. This feature allows us to avoid the tendency, often exhibited by previous flow-based methods, to contract a large seed set into a small set of nodes that does not contain all or even most of the seed nodes. Our second contribution is a fast algorithm for minimizing our generalized objective function, based on a variant of the push-relabel algorithm for computing preflows. We make our approach very fast in practice by implementing a global relabeling heuristic and employing a warm-start procedure to quickly solve related cut problems. In practice our algorithm is faster than previous related flow-based methods, and is also more robust in detecting ground truth target regions in a graph, thanks to its ability to better incorporate semi-supervised information about target clusters.

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